Category Archives: Digiteach Blog

  • Online Apps for Super Short Videos and Slideshows

    As the capabilities of online Web 2.0 applications have increased significantly in recent times, some of the most powerful to emerge are those which allow users to create online digital slideshows and short videos using very simple interfaces and tools. These online applications offer a number of advantages, including the fact that they do not […]

  • The Asia-Europe Classroom Network

    I spent the mid-term break in Sonderborg, Denmark, attending the 8th Asia-Europe Classroom Network (AEC-NET) Conference.  What, you may well ask, is that?  Let me try to explain.  AEC-NET was conceived in 1998 by the Asia-Europe Foundation, itself the only permanent institution of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) process. This latter is an informal process of […]

  • They won’t be WIMPs – computing in the third dimension

    In human–computer interaction, “WIMP” stands for “window, icon, menu, pointing device”, denoting a style of interaction using these elements. The term is sometimes used as a synonym for the more common “GUI”, or Graphical User Interface. WIMP interaction was developed at Xerox PARC in 1973 and popularized by the Apple Macintosh in 1984. Microsoft’s Windows 1.0 […]

  • eTwinning: Be Inspired!

    My first eTwinning project began as a work-related ICT assignment while studying for a Masters in Education Degree (M.Ed.) at University College Dublin. However, it wasn’t long before I realised the huge educational potential of eTwinning. In this article, I hope to give you a brief overview of eTwinning and a flavour of how inspirational […]

  • A Long Way from Kildare: The Camara Experience

    The twenty minute walk from Lamu Boys’ Primary back to our accommodation in Yumbe House goes right through the centre of the town. Every building to the left and right on the main street has a busy business of some kind, a lot of high quality wood carving and furniture manufacturing, dozens of small shops […]

  • The Nintendo DS and Wii in the Classroom

    My use of the Nintendo DS in the classroom came about as a result of an off-the-cuff remark from a restless child in one of my group math sessions with some SEN children. The children in question, although well behaved, found it hard to sit and concentrate for any length of time and rarely completed […]

  • Four Questions about Twitter answered by Teachers

    By John Heffernan Twitter is a tool that allows you to communicate to many like-minded individuals. It has become very popular with some teachers to share information, links and ideas. Twitter is a service to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of text (SMS) type messages. People write short messages, called “tweets” of 140 […]

  • Mind Mapping for Education

    “The paradox of education is that it attempts to foster non-linear thinking using linear communication, presentation and instruction”. Beeman et al., 1987 A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, concepts, ideas, tasks, or other ‘nodes’ of information, usually originating from a central topic and radiating outwards. Perhaps the most notable feature of a […]

  • Camara at CESI Conference ’09

    The CESI Conference took a slightly different format this year as Irish teachers were unable to take any time out of school. CESI organised a ‘Meet’ on the Friday evening and then full day of presentations and workshops on Saturday. The Friday ‘Meet’ saw myself and Hester Jackman give a short presentation each on the […]

  • Bringing Maths to the Net Generation: Virtual Learning at Primary School

    I recently completed my thesis as part of my Msc. Educational Technologies. The focus of the research was on using customised software within a VLE (virtual learning environments) or LMS (learning management system) to teach maths to sixth class. Initially I planned to distribute my software on a CD, but changed my mind once I […]