A community of practice for educators
at all levels & sectors interested in teaching computing

Could you organise a local group?

Read our guide!

The story so farFifty-seven face-to-face meetings of CESI•CS groups have taken place in local education centres from December 2017 to May 2019, to establish relationships and share experience with educators at all levels interested in developments in Computer Science. Two symposia have been held, in September 2017 and September 2019, to discuss related issues and three national workshops have been organised in June 2018 and June 2019 to work in depth.Read more about the community of practice in the CESI•CS info-graphic poster and consider how you could form a regional group by reading the Facilitator’s Guide.


CESI•CS participants having invented a voting system with Micro:bit in Cork, Feb 2018

CESI•CS participants having invented a voting system with Micro:bit in Cork, Feb 2018

Mailing List

The CESI-CS mailing provideds support and answers to questions on computing, computational thinking and computer science. Join the list if you have a question or if you’d like to share your knowledge.

[feedzy-rss feeds=”https://groups.google.com/forum/feed/cesi-cs/msgs/rss_v2_0.xml?num=6″ summarylength=”250″]


Compsci.ie is a portal site to browse and search for Computer Science resources as part of the Scoilnet portal. It is a collaboration between Scoilnet, The Department of Education & Skills (Inspectorate) and PDST Computer Science. Any teacher registered with the Teaching Council can register for a Scoilnet Account and add resources.


The Computers in Education Society of Ireland (CESI) is the teacher professional network for anyone with an interest in the potential of technology to enhance the teaching and learning experience for all involved in education.

The CESI•CS community of practice focusses on computing education at all levels and is a collaboration with education centres throughout Ireland through ATECI, the Association of Teachers’ / Education Centres in Ireland and supported by Google.

In 2017 CESI welcomed the announcement of the intended introduction of Computer Science as a Leaving Certificate Subject. Members are also involved in the Junior Cycle Short Course in Coding, some are developing Computational Thinking in Primary and there is representation from third level too.

  • Contact Richard Millwood at cs@cesi.ie or +44 7790 558 641
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About the Author

Richard Millwood

Facilitator of CESI•CS - the community of practice for educational computing in Ireland and Visiting Research Fellow, CRITE, Trinity College Dublin