Conference 2012: Presentations & Workshops

#edchatie – learn how
Fred Boss et al

A Brief History of the Near Future
John Heffernan

A wide-angle look at ICT Infrastructure, Evolving Technologies and Planning
Tom Lonergan

Blogging Basics – How to get your Class Blogging
Nigel Lane

Captioning Videos for School Use
Caroline Carswell and Miriam Walsh

Dáithí O’Broin and Ian Roller

Connect School Toolbox
Ronan Herron

Cool Tools for School: An iPod, some free stuff & a world of imagination!
Anne McMorrough

Creating a Mobile App for your School
Simon Lewis

Developing an Enhanced Learning Environment with iPads
Daniel Hyland

Developing E-Learning Resources
Stephen Howell

Edmodo in the Classroom
Mags Amond

Enhanced Learning Futures
Steve Wheeler

Fun, free and user-friendly movie-making with Windows Live MovieMaker and Windows DVD Maker
Pat Cunnane

Game-Based Learning in Irish Education: A pilot study
Patrick Felicia

Getting started with Technology in your Classroom
Pamela O’Brien

How Google Apps can improve Staff Communication and Collaboration in Schools
Annette Stapleton

ICT for Technophobes
Evelyn O’Connor

Immersive Learning in History
Robert Hutchison

Kinecting Education & Technology
Stephen Howell

Moodle in the Classroom
Declan Donnelly

Online Learning Networks for Teachers and Students
Fred Boss

Open Discovery Space (ODS): an accelerator for the sharing, adoption, usage, and re-purposing of ICT in Education
Neil O’Sullivan

Practical Project Maths in 2012
Aibhín Bray

Scratch: Introductory Programming
Clare McInerney

Social Networking with our Students: Considering digital identity, authenticity and privacy
Catherine Cronin

Teaching Science with Virtual Worlds – A Case Study
James Corbett and Padraig O’Beirn

Teaching with Games: understanding games and their educational potential
Patrick Felicia

The Livescribe Pen in Action
Adrienne Webb

Troubleshooting Teacher
Michelle Moloney

Using ‘Twitter’ to increase Classroom Discussion and Engagement with University students; Student and Lecturer responses
Peter Tiernan

‘My friends call us the Carlsberg School’ – Teachers’ perceptions of an innovative infrastructural project
Miriam Judge