Welcome to the #cesiposter competition page.
CESI Conference Poster Presentation Competition
We are looking forward to welcoming you to the CESI conference on the 29th February 2020.
We would like to invite you to enter our #cesiposter Poster Presentation Competition which will be running for the next few weeks. It is an opportunity to illustrate the fun and learning that occurs when computers are used in your classroom.
Entering is easy:
- Register for #cesicon 2020
- Use any dimensions for your poster’s shape
- Add your images, shapes & text
- Include your Twitter username, name, class/es & school
- Save your file as a JPEG or PNG
- Tweet your file (digital poster) with #cesiposter & #cesicon and a note letting your followers know you’ll be attending the conference
- Check legibility of your poster on Twitter
3 Ways To Win
- Most Liked Tweet – As soon as you post your Tweet entry look for likes
- Most Retweeted Tweet – Encourage your follower to Retweet your entry
- Judges Choice
The prizes you could win are:
Bel Robot Kit https://adamarobotics.com/product/bell-educational-robot/
HUE HD Pro camera https://huehd.com/pro/
XOGO mini https://www.xogo.io/store/xogomini
Closing date Wednesday 26th February
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to make an academic poster?
No. Think more of a photo-heavy double-page spread in a magazine with text to explain what’s going on.
What size should my poster be?
You can choose any dimensions for your poster and any software to create it. The important thing is that the information, text and photographs are clear for people to read and understand. If you use Microsoft PowerPoint, text size of between 12 and 16 will be clear when your JPEG is uploaded to Twitter. Check your poster on Twitter to make sure you are happy with your image.
Further questions can be directed to posters@cesi.ie
Judging Panel Criteria
Quality of Content – Text and photos are interesting and relevant.
10 marks
Visually appealing – poster looks good – there is a good layout with a balance between text, images, use of colour and shapes 10 marks
Flow – the poster tells a story that captures and illustrates the fun and learning happening in the class when computers are being used. 10 marks
Engaged – Tie Break option – number of likes, retweets, replies and comments entrant generated regarding the competition. 10 marks
Competition Rules
Only one prize per person. If the same entry has the highest number of Likes as Retweets the second placed Retweeted entry will receive a prize.
Competition is open to conference registrants only. One entry is permitted per person.
Voting will be open until 13:00 on Saturday 29th February 2020.
In the event of a tie between the Most Liked entries or the Most Retweeted entries the judging panel will make the final decision.