Conference 2014 Videos

Keynotes & Capstone

Keynote Address: Dr Daithí Ó Murchú

Keynote Address: Dr Deirdre Butler & Dr Michael Hallissy

Capstone Presentation – Sparking the Imagination


Room TH1000

Sound Effects [Caroline Carswell]

Living Schools Lab Project – Showcasing good ICT practice in schools and exploring ways to upscale and mainstream this in other schools [Karin Whooley & Sarah-Jayne Carey]

Making and Managing MOOCs: An Experience from the Udder-side [Mark Brown]

Online Resources for Active and Inclusive Learning, incorporating JC Key Skills and SSE [Siobhan O’Sullivan]

Rolling With the Punches: Integrating New Technology into a Chicago Public School Classroom [Alex Selkirk]

‘Dance like the waves of the sea’ – Ten top tech tips by WB Yeats [Dughall McCormick]

Using “Badges” for sustainable Professional Development for Teachers [Mark Glynn]

Global Voices Connected by the Wundering Moleskine [Bernard Goldbach]