Richard Millwood

Author Archives

  • Community of Practice • Facilitator’s guide

    This guide is designed to explain how to organise a community of practice to support teachers’ professional learning. Although it is drawn from  experience in doing this for Computer Science, this guide may suit any subject. You can download the guide for printing personally or for printing professionally (includes crop marks). There is also a web […]

  • CESI•CS community of practice national meetings

    Background The CESI•CS community of practice focusses on computing education at all levels and is a collaboration with education centres throughout Ireland through ESCI ( the association of Education Support Centres in Ireland formerly ATECI) and Trinity College Dublin, kick-started by generous financial support from Google. In 2017 CESI welcomed the announcement of the intended […]


    A community of practice for educatorsat all levels & sectors interested in teaching computing Could you organise a local group? Read our guide! The story so farFifty-seven face-to-face meetings of CESI•CS groups have taken place in local education centres from December 2017 to May 2019, to establish relationships and share experience with educators at all […]

  • CESI at the Scratch Conference Amsterdam August 2015

    A conference well attended by CESI folk and others from Ireland, with plenty of excitement, friendship and depth from the leading lights in the global community of Scratchers. Several sessions involved CESI folk including Mags Amond, Susan Nic Réamoinn and Richard Millwood. The conference was inspiring, as  the cutting-edge new Scratch-related tools and toys were shown, played with and discussed […]