Presented by: Deirdre Butler & Mark Brown
The literature contains a plethora of models and frameworks purporting to encapsulate the various dimensions of digital skills, literacies or competencies. This point is evidenced by a recent review and comparison of models which identified around 150 of them (All Aboard, 2015). The models range from those with a narrow skills focus to more authentic integrated frameworks, which importantly situate the conception of literacy within complex cultural and institutional contexts. In this fishbowl debate two experienced educators committed to a transformative agenda talk about the strengths and weaknesses of some of the more recent frameworks. Through a lively and provocative critique of the literature they aim to actively engage participants by asking the question: Are we at risk of deskilling Irish teachers by making the wrong connections and failing to learn from previous mistakes?
Presentation Slides:
Presentation Video:
Presenter Biography:
Professor Mark Brown is the Director of the National Institute for Digital Learning at Dublin City University. For further information:
Professor Deirdre Butler plays a key leadership role in the area of digital learning in the DCU Institute of Education. For further information: