Presented by: Fred Boss & Ben Murray
This presentation will outline the main developments of the Programming and Coding short course for the new Junior Cycle, which will become available to schools in September 2014. The presentation will look at the short course’s place within the new Junior Cycle. This is the first real opportunity where students can be recognised for their study and work in programming and will introduce the content within the strands of the course also.
Presenter Biography:
Fred is an art teacher in De La Salle College, Dundalk for 18 years with a passion for integrating technology across the school and in the classroom. Currently seconded to the NCCA and previously to the Continuing Professional Development Initiative with the PDST Technology in Education (formerly NCTE). He uses Twitter extensively @fboss and moderates the online discussion for Irish educators using the hashtag #edchatIE which was nominated as a finalist for the best Twitter hashtag in 2011, 2012 and 2013.
Ben has taught music in Alexandra College, Dublin for 18 years, and is now currently on secondment with the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA). As an education officer with the NCCA, he has responsibility for curriculum reform and assessment design at Junior Cycle level, particularly in the subject area of Music and for the Digital Media Literacy and Artistic Performance short courses.
Twitter: @fboss & @benbenpmurray