Presented by: Tony Riley
The session will discuss the process and findings from the Coding in Primary Schools Initiative carried out by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) as requested by the then Minister for Education and Skills, Mr Richard Bruton, in July of 2016. The presentation will provide an overview of the research strategies implemented, including national, international and school based initiatives, before outlining the findings and recommendations from the initiative. It will conclude with a discussion in relation to the development of digital technology in the context of a redeveloped primary school curriculum as proposed in the Draft Primary Curriculum Framework (NCCA, 2020) published for consultation in January 2020.
Presenter Biography:
Tony Riley is currently working for the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCA) as an Education Officer and has led the Coding in Primary Schools initiative since 2017. The National Council for Curriculum & Assessment (NCCA) was established to lead developments in curriculum and assessment and to support the implementation of changes resulting from this work.The NCCA works in a spirit of consensus building and partnership. It seeks to promote an innovative and creative environment for all learners in schools and other educational settings.