The COOL School Debate: Are We Ready for the Future?

Presented by: Mark Brown

This talk outlines the radical “Community of Online Learning” (COOL) initiative recently announced in New Zealand and ensuing public debate over proposals to develop new models of online learning for schools. It reflects on some of the key lessons from this debate for Irish educators, particularly in terms of (i) what we can learn from the research, (ii) the importance of teachers’ pedagogical beliefs, and (iii) the wider impact assessment and school culture play in shaping educational reform. Finally, in the context of new digital learning clusters and frameworks for Irish schools participants are challenged to consider just how serious we really are about shaping tomorrow, today.

Presenter Biography:

Mark Brown is Director of the National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL) at Dublin City University. He has published widely in the area of digital learning and is a Fellow of the European Distance and eLearning Network (EDEN). Mark is also Chair of the ICDE World Conference on Online Learning that will be hosted in Dublin in November 2019.
