Teachers and learners teaching and learning: How can child participant researchers influence the development of a digital game for education?

Presented by: James O'Reilly

This session will discuss the use of participatory methods in a study investigating how children and teachers can work together to design Augmented Reality software for use in the primary classroom. This session will describe how children can be included in the design process of a digital game, and why such inclusion is important. Crucially this session will discuss some of the potential benefits of such inclusion for children on micro and macro levels. Furthermore, this session will consider how a teacher can work as a digital creator and how such work can affect learning in the classroom.

Presentation slides are available here

Presenter Biography:

James O’Reilly is a primary school teacher with nearly 10 years teaching experience. An experienced researcher and passionate enthusiast in ICT in education James is currently undertaking a PhD in STEM Education in Mary Immaculate College. James has investigated 3D printing and coding in the primary classroom and is currently investigating the use of Augmented Reality in education.
