Presented by: Alan Gorman
This presentation documents the design, implementation and evaluation of an online intervention. Entitled LÍNTE (Learning in Networks through Enquiry), this intervention sets out to support student teachers as they engage in a period of school placement. Translating as ‘lines’ in the Irish language, the overarching aim of LÍNTE is to provide a line of support where student teachers are afforded with the opportunity to interact online with peers, cooperating teachers, and teacher educators. Furthermore, the intervention is underpinned by constructivist learning theory. Arising from a comprehensive literature review, this study employs key theoretical principles in facilitating reflection and enquiry online. The emphasis on student-led discourse, self-regulated learning and cyclical reflection and enquiry provide the backdrop for the design and facilitation of LÍNTE.
Presenter Biography:
Alan Gorman is Director of School Placement on the Bachelor of Education (BEd Primary) programme and the Professional Master of Education Primary (PMEP) programme in the School of Policy and Practice, DCU Institute of Education, St Patrick’s Campus. Primary interests include: school-based learning in initial teacher education; distance learning and online pedagogy; teacher education across the continuum; research methods. His PhD research is focussed on the kinds of support which student teachers seek online from peers and teacher educators during school placement, why student teachers seek such support, and the potential implications that online support can have on student teachers’ professional learning.