Presented by: Daithí Ó Murchú
Making Connections: transformation through technology and teamwork is a wonderful concept but as a Vision, without practical application and meaningful action in everyday school life, it will fail! Mindfulness through Creative Arts and Technology MCApT- Making Connections: transformation through technology and teamwork, will present, and debate, based on the most recent research in Ireland , Europe and the USA, and personal research in schools in 2015-2016, an inclusive action plan to envision and implement this ‘transformation’ in a Mindful environment, relevant to all schools. The Digital Strategy for Schools 2015-2020 and the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning’s Roadmap For Enhancement In A Digital World 2015-2017 outline a synergised vision but again, Vision without Action is merely a Dream.. ( Barker, J.A. 1988,New York). CESI’s Mission has connectivity between all partners since 1973, now let’s Mindfully explore the reality of MCApT-making Connections.
Presenter Biography:
Daithí’s full biography can be viewed at