Meet Edison

Presented by: Ian Roller, Riona Fitzgerald & Bob Ó Mhurcú

The session will give participants the opportunity to try the Edison robot. Edison robots can be programmed from a number of FREE software applications. They come with a set of programs in the form of barcodes making them suitable for junior classes in primary school, but they can also be used by older students who can download software (drag and drop or python based) to create their own programs on a computer, tablet or mobile phone. They can also be programmed to use a television remote to control them! They are LEGO compatible. BYOD and install software if you would like to try some programming

Presenter Biography:

Riona has been working in DIT since 2000. Riona has managed a number of outreach programmes in DIT to include the Dublin Inner-city Schools Computerisation Programme (DISC), The Digital Community Programme and the Computer Learning in Communities Programme (CLiC). Riona was appointed to the role of Engagement Outreach Manager in the Access and Civic Engagement Office in 2015.

Ian has been working in area of ICT in education for 25 years. Over this time he has taught video production and computer applications to all age groups from 8 to 80.

Bob is currently Head of Disability Support Service at Dublin Institute of Technology. Mature Student Support Officer (DIT, 2008-2013), A member of DARE, DAWN, AHEAD and CSSI. Selected Voluntary Positions at DCU: Chair of Postgraduate Standing Committee, Students’ Union Executive (2007/08), Chair of Societies & Publications Committee (2006/07 & 2007/08).
