Presented by: Bianca Ni Ghrogain and Drew Buddie
A MaKey MaKey is an Arduino board that can make anything into a key! You can make a connection through anything that’s even a little bit conductive. You can also create inventions that combine conductive and non-conductive parts. It will work with any software that works with the keyboard or mouse e.g. Scratch, PowerPoint, Photobooth, piano, bongos. The possibilities are endless. This workshop is designed to help you gain inspiration and practical guidance around the use of this technology, integrated across a range of subjects in your classroom.
Presenter Biography:
Drew is an enthusiastic Head of Computing at a private girls’ school in Hertfordshire and was recently elected as Naace Junior Vice Chair. A frequent presenter at conferences he specialises in raising teachers’ awareness of software tools that can be used in order to enhance teaching and learning. The recent recipient of a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Travelling Fellowship, he is currently researching the ways in which other countries introduce computing to young children.
Bianca teaches at Griffeen Valley Educate Together where she is extremely passionate about the use of technology as a pedagogical tool. She currently integrates educational technology into all areas of her teaching. Some examples of this include the integration of:
- MaKey MaKey boards (to make a human piano, circuits in science)
- Microsoft Kinect (to create and develop kinaesthetic literacy and numeracy games)
- Raspberry Pi (a smart weather station and a digital class calendar/planner)
- Leap Motion (to dissect and examine 3D models of organs and animals)
- The use of these progressive technologies has turned her pupil’s experience into an extremely immersive education
Twitter: @groganbee and @digitalmaverick