Learning to teach the new Senior Cycle Physical Education framework using the “Phyz” app

Presented by: Antonio Calderón and Deborah Tannehill

This session will share features of a new app designed to enhance teaching of the Senior Cycle Physical Education framework, professional development with teachers’ trialing the framework, and obstacles encountered implementing the app in Irish schools. The “Phyz” is an NCCA and UL pilot project pioneering use of mobile apps to enrich teaching and learning within the Irish Senior Cycle landscape. Given the expertise and knowledge of the CESI community, we hope to engage members of the audience in discussion about using the app to enhance teaching and learning, and how to overcome some of the obstacles we have encountered.

Please find slides from this session here: Learning to teach the new Senior Cycle Physical Education framework using the “Phyz” app_ac (1)

Presenter Biography:

Antonio’s main research and teaching interests revolve around physical education teacher education, social media and digital technology for learning.

Deborah Tannehill is an Emeritus Senior Lecturer in the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. She was a teaching faculty member of the department from 2005-2013 and was co-director of the PE PAYS Research Centre at the University of Limerick. Deborah’s research interests are in the areas of teaching, research and professional service related to teaching and teacher education in physical education.
