Presented by: Margaret O'Donoghue, Nicole Mullen
iScoil piloted a part-time, in-school online initiative from February to October 2020, with the aim of preventing at-risk young people disengaging from school. Five DEIS schools in Dublin and Clare were selected. Nine students engaged, with the aim of completing interest led QQI Level 3 courses to complement their school work and encourage overall attendance. The in-school pilot programme will be explained and expressions of interest from teachers, to be involved in further in-school initiatives, will be invited.
Presentation slides are available here
Presenter Biography:
Margaret O’Donoghue is currently General Manager in iScoil. She holds a Masters in Educational Leadership and other educational and guidance qualifications. She has worked in mainstream education as a teacher, guidance counsellor and as Principal of a voluntary secondary school for 9 years. She joined the iScoil team in 2019 and is working on a range of projects, including the in-school pilot.