Is it a teddy, a mouse or or a snowman? Python turtle for Beginner teens or adult learners

Presented by: Jennifer Kelly

If teenage girls are beginning learning coding for the first time, perhaps reluctantly or skeptical of success, it may not be block-coding with Scratch that is most suited to them. Games aren’t for everyone and animation can be a bit hit and miss. This presentation with Python turtle explores the maximum opportunities provided by a simple code template. Its objective is to develop confidence and good-practice opportunities over a Day 1 (or one-off) activity. No prior coding experience required, collaboration encouraged, creativity unlimited. This activity is suitable for adult beginner learners. Low floor, high ceiling, for differentiation.

Presenter Biography:

Jennifer Kelly is a teacher in a DEIS girls school in Dublin and is an advocate for creating opportunities to improve the gender imbalance in STEM education. She is at present extending a PG Cert. in 21st Century Teacher and Learning (Bridge 21), TCD into a full Masters in Maths Education.
