Presented by: John Hennessy
Using wifi everywhere, 1 to 1 computers, 1 to 1 tablets and student handhelds allied to a variety of VLEs and cloud based facilities, teachers in our school are exploring a move towards the reformed junior cycle and beyond. The junior cycle reform process is outlined. Aspects of how the reformed junior cycle might work using ICT as accelerant are demonstrated. The emphasis is on methodologies such as assessment for learning, differentiation and inquiry facilitated and framed by ICT. An analysis of how open ICT based mechanisms are being used by teachers to plan and implement a more transparent curriculum is presented. Original student and teacher work and assessment through ICT is presented, discussed and evaluated. Content is examined and cross curricular aspects are developed. It is intended that there be time for discussion on the issues raised.
Presenter Biography:
John is currently a teacher at second level. First coded 1973 … Seconded for several years to teacher CPD services. Partnered EU Schoolnet in an EU Leonardo CPD project providing teachers with their own online courses for students. Submissions to NCCA and SEC on curriculum, assessment and ICT.