Google as a tool in the Classroom – Using Flubaroo and Google Moderator

Presented by: Nicole Mullen

This workshop will look at using some of Google’s free applications as tools in the classroom. Flubaroo will be used in conjunction with Google Forms to demonstrate how to automate grading of quizzes, including grade percentages and the ability to email students results instantaneously. Google Moderator is a discussion medium, similar to a forum. However it allows for more discussion and more creativity than a traditional forum. Moderator allows you to ask a question about anything that you are interested in discussing. You can then open this series up for people to respond to with questions, suggestions and further ideas. Moderator can be used as a tool for collaboration, discussion, debates and even assessment. The workshop will demonstrate how to use Google Moderator and look at uses for it in the classroom.

Presenter Biography:

Nicole Mullen holds a MSc in Education and Training in eLearning, a BA in Education and Training and is a certified Microsoft Office trainer. She has worked in the corporate IT training field for many years before moving into the not for profit education area. She has many years experience in developing and delivering educational courses for all levels. Nicole is currently the Training Officer in Camara Ireland. Camara Ireland is a social enterprise that aims to reform the current education system, and empower educators in disadvantaged communities to provide world class education to all. To date Camara Ireland has delivered over 3,200 computers, to 205 institutions and trained over 1,000 educators. In 2013 alone Nicole delivered training to over 400 educators across Ireland.

Twitter: @CamaraIreland
