Presented by: Brendan Colleran
eTwinning is the online community for schools in Europe. It is a free online platform linking a community of more than 500,000 teachers across Europe. It supports primary and post primary schools to find partners and work on joint projects in any curricular area, using Information and Communication Technology (ICT). On the dedicated website you can create a profile, search for partners, browse ongoing and completed projects, and develop your own project ideas. Once you have found a partner and agreed a project plan, you can register your project and access a specially created ‘Twinspace’. This is a private and secure online workspace that you and your partner(s) administer; students can be invited to participate as members.
– How to sign up for eTwinning
– How to get the most out of eTwinning (Using the online self-teaching material)
– How it fits with the new Junior Certificate curriculum
– Starting a project – Choosing Timeline for projects
– Linking with other departments in your school
– Creating your own virtual reality content and linking it with eTwinning
– Access to fully paid professional development workshops in different countries on best practices in eTwinning
Presenter Biography:
Brendan Colleran holds a B.Tech Ed 1994, Ma Ed 2004, and is a secondary school teacher of technical subjects, involved with eTwinning, and Erasmus+, eTwinning Ambassador since 2010, showcased eTwinning projects at Féilte conference 2014, 2015 and 2016, co-ordanitor of Comenius and Key Action Erasmus+ projects. Use of mobile devices and international collaborative project work in the European learning community heavily embedded in my classroom primarily using the eTwinning platform.