Presented by: Dr. Una Carthy and Claire Ryan
Úna Carthy: This session will generate a debate around the use of digital technologies for language teaching and learning. It will draw on the case study of Letterkenny Institute of Technology, where the Lingo Club created a website and blog to showcase tandem learning, interviews and presentations in French, German, Spanish and Irish. By creating a virtual space for intercultural exchange on an extracurricular basis, it enables students from diverse academic backgrounds to engage with speakers of various languages on an informal basis. This multicultural digital space continues to operate within the department of Humanities and can be accessed on an institute-wide basis.
Claire Ryan: I proposed to deliver a talk / workshop on Duolingo Schools. This is a language learning platform that can be used individually and has recently developed a Duolingo school – where teachers/educators can create a virtual classroom on Duolingo, with the aim of increasing students motivation for language learning and providing an extra resource for practice which is especially crucial during holiday periods. Languages skills need to be exercised regularly in order to keep the level and to make progress. I would like to give short tutorial / demonstration on how Duolingo classroom operates, and what are its advantages.
Please find Claire’s slides here: Claire Ryan Presentation_ Duolingo for Schools Overview
Presenter Biography:
Dr Úna Carthy recently completed a nationwide PhD investigation of Language Policy in the IoT sector and has launched a campaign to raise awareness about language learning and student mobility in the Donegal region. She is currently running a National Forum seminar entitled ‘Digital Pathways into Learning Languages’ and is an active member of the Modern Foreign Languages Community of Practice.
Claire Ryan is an ESL (English as a Second Language) Teacher with over 8 years experience, currently teaching in Ireland and has also taught in China, Spain and Hungry. I am in my final semester in my Masters programme in eLearning at DCU and I am an official Duolingo educator/ambassador.I am a language enthusiast and advocate for technology enhanced learning.