Digital Media and Poetry

Presented by: Callum Philbin

This presentation aims to consider the value of digital media in teaching poetry in the second-level classroom. The main focus will be on two online tools, and Glogster will be considered in terms of how it provides a platform for students and teachers to create an online collage, a conglomeration of text, image, video and audio. The emphasis will be on its use for student presentations in relation to poets and poetry. Animoto will be analyzed for its value in creating digital poetry and how this promotes student interaction with poetry. Through explicating the use of these sites, the presentation will elucidate how digital media can augment student interest in poetry while also facilitating student creativity.

Presenter Biography:

Callum Philbin has a B.A. in History and English (NUIM) and an M.A. in Digital Humanities (NUIM). Hi is currently completing the Professional Diploma in Education at NUI Maynooth while teaching History and English at Donabate Community College. His primary interest is in educational technology with an emphasis on digital storytelling and collaborative learning environments.
