‘Dance like the waves of the sea’ – Ten top tech tips by WB Yeats

Presented by: Dughall McCormack

What does the poetry of WB Yeats have to offer the educational technologist? Enjoy a unique take on some timeless quotations from the great Irish poet.

Presenter Biography:

Dughall is a learning consultant with a background of teaching in primary schools in the UK. In recent years, he has been involved in working to support schools’ use of technologies for innovation and creativity. He has also worked in FE, teaching trainee teachers in Primary ICT. Dughall is recognised for expertise in e-learning, classroom technologies, social media and games-based learning. He believes passionately in the role of technology to facilitate innovation and transformation in education. He is currently the Vice Chair of NAACE and will be taking the chair later this year.

Twitter: @dughall
