DALDIS – An e-Assessment for Learning Solution

Presented by: Dr Miriam Judge and Peter Hamilton

DALDIS is an Erasmus+ Project (2019-2022) on Digital Assessment for Learning. Led by DCU, it involves 8 partners in 5 countries pilot testing a digital assessment for Learning platform aimed at Science teaching (STEM) and Modern Foreign Language (MFL) Learning in specific European curriculum contexts. This presentation will feature the beta version of the platform (www.jcquest.ie), designed specifically for the Junior Cycle curriculum and its deployment during Covid-19. Teachers will learn how this e-Assessment platform can support classroom formative assessment practices for JC Cycle students and will have the opportunity to participate in the DALDIS European-wide research study

Presentation slides are available here

Presenter Biography:

Dr Miriam Judge is a lecturer in multimedia at DCU. Her research interest is in the use of digital technology in schools. She has managed numerous national and international educational technology projects and published widely in this field. She is leading the Erasmus+ DALDIS (Digital Assessment for Learning informed by data to motivate and incentivise students) Project comprising 8 European partners involved in the design, development and research of an e-Assessment solution to support formative assessment.
