Curriculum Online

Presented by: Aoife Kelly

Take a tour around the new NCCA website, where you’ll find all the curriculum information you need from early childhood right up to Senior Cycle. This session will include both a presentation and a workshop.
The presentation section will include a tour around the website and an introduction to some of the exciting new features, which include:
• The ability to view the new curriculum specifications the way you need to see them
• The ability to filter the specifications according to different categories (strand, element, assessment, first year subset etc.)
• The facility to create your own curriculum library with a new clipboard function which generates pdfs from web content
• Samples of student work directly linked to learning outcomes

You will be asked to browse the website and offer feedback on the navigation and functionality. Your views on extending the functionality of the website to create a planning tool for schools and teachers will also be sought.
Not to be missed, especially relevant to Junior Cycle English teachers!

Presenter Biography:

Aoife is an Education Officer in the NCCA, for the last three years she has been working on the initiative Project Maths. Before that she taught maths in St.Kilian’s Community School in Bray for seven years. Recently she had the opportunity to lead the development of a new website for the national curriculum – .

Twitter: @aoifk
