Computing in the Irish Curriculum

Presented by: Richard Millwood et al

The Computational Thinking for Life group at Trinity College Dublin in collaboration with CESI Exec members will facilitate a workshop session to debate computing in the Irish curriculum, using ‘Open Space Technology’ (a misnomer – no technology involved – see ). It will facilitate participants to set the agenda, air their interests and concerns and find common ground to discuss with others. A short introduction regarding the theme is followed by agenda setting, discussion at tables and then brief report back. Facilitators: Richard Millwood, John Hegarty, Nina Bresnihan and Mags Amond.

Presenter Biography:

The Computational Thinking for Life group started in 2014 in the CRITE (Centre for Research in Technology and Education) a collaboration between the School of Computer Science & Statistics and School of Education. Richard Millwood leads the group with Nina Bresnihan. John Hegarty is a member of the CESI Exec taking a lead on the debate surrounding computing. Mags Amond is Ireland’s CodeWeek Ambassador and former CESI Exec member.
