CLiC News – Literacy and Technology the Next 5 Years

Presented by: The CLiC News Team

CLiC News is celebrating 5 years of existence this March. The team behind the site in this session will be inviting input from interested primary teachers into the direction the site should take in the future. is a news website for 4th, 5th and 6th classes with the content being written by 2nd Year Journalism students in the Dublin Institute of Technology. The session will look at the existing features of the site and ask attendees of the session to generate and discuss ideas which could enhance the value of the site as a resource for teachers in the coming years.

Presenter Biography:

Presenting their work on the CLiC News project and looking for feedback will be staff and students from the Dublin Institute of Technology: Riona Fitzgerald (Engagement Outreach Manager), Ian Roller (Project Coordinator), Hajar Akl, Mary-Kate Findon, Louise Burne, Leanne Salmon, Conor Shields, Gavin Hyland, Killian Dowling (Journalism Students), Paulina Diskup (Visual Communications Student), Lisa Cavern (Computer Science Student).
