An Overview of the Digital Learning Framework for Schools

Presented by: Roy Mitchell & Sinead O'Sullivan PDST

The Digital Learning Framework has been developed to assist schools in effectively embedding digital technologies into teaching and learning. It provides clarity for school leaders and education providers in how to create a shared vision for how technology can best can meet the needs of all learners. It is currently being trialled in 50 schools, with the intention of a national rollout next year. This session will give an overview of the framework, the implications for schools and the supports available from PDST.

Presenter Biography:

Roy is a primary school teacher and Deputy Principal of Scoil Ursula NS, Sligo where he has taught at various mainstream class levels and as a Learning Support and Resource Teacher. He has first hand experience of integrating digital technology in his own class and school. He has been seconded to the Digital Technologies Team of the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST). As a PDST Advisor he supports teachers and schools in the integration of Digital Technologies through school support visits, tutor training for summer courses, seminar and conference presentations, regional Education Centre projects and workshop facilitation.

Sinead O Sullivan is on the Digital Technologies for teaching, learning and assessment team of the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST). She is seconded from Mercy Secondary School, Inchicore, Dublin 8. She is a teacher of English, History, Digital Literacy, Maths and was also co-ordinator of the JCSP and Special Educational Needs department in her school. She works with schools and teachers throughout the country to integrate digital technologies into teaching, learning and assessment in a meaningful way, to improve learner experiences and outcomes. She also supports schools in developing their Digital Learning plans.
