An Ethical Framework for technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)

Presented by: Laurence Cuffe

This session will look both at ethical issues which are likely to arise as the technology we use to teach becomes more sophisticated, and ethical issues which already exist as the cultural matrix within which we teach becomes more diverse. The discussion will informed by the increasing diversity of ethical frame works available, among which Roboethics, Carol Gilligans ethics of care, and Danial Starrs work differentiating Care ethics from ethics based on a Confucianism.

Presentation Slides:

Presenter Biography:

Laurence Cuffe has a background in both Science and Teaching, and mostly teaches mathematics to people who have had problems learning it. He has taught blended learning and TEL modules with the NCI, but spends a lot more of his time explaining what a percentage is, and why it might be worth learning, to students who feel that problems such as seven times seven are sufficiently challenging to justify getting a calculator out.
