Presented by: Máire Nic an Rí & Pádraig Ó Beaglaoich
Teachers often refer to the dearth of resources available for the teaching of Irish and through Irish. The reality is that there are many resources available. During this session, Máire and Pádraig will give an overview of the online resources which in most instances are available free of charge.
An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta (COGG) was founded under the provisions of Article 31 of the Education Act of 1998 following a campaign led by Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge, Gaelscoileanna & Eagraíocht na Scoileanna Gaeltachta to establish a structure to cater for the educational needs of Gaeltacht schools and of Gaelscoileanna. There are functions also in Article 31 relating to the teaching of Irish in the country’s other schools.
The Comhairle’s role relates to both primary and post-primary education and the three main areas of work are:
– The provision of teaching resources
– The provision of support services
– Research
Presentation Slides:
Presenter Biography:
Máire was appointed Primary Education Officer with COGG in 2016. She is a primary teacher who was awarded an M.A. in Gaeilge in 1993 from NUI Maynooth. She is on secondment from Scoil Chéile Chríost, Rathmore, Co Kildare. She worked as a Gaeilge advisor with the Primary Curriculum Support Service and the Primary Professional Development Service from 2007-2010. She worked with the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST) as a Gaeilge and Literacy advisor and subsequently as Team Leader for Gaeilge (primary and post-primary) from 2011-2016.
Pádraig was appointed as an Education Officer (Post-Primary) with COGG in 2016. In 2011 he was awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Education and spent the next 5 years teaching at post-primary level. He has also worked as an freelance Irish translator. He has a keen interest in how technology is developing and how it can be applied to Irish. In 2016 he was awarded a Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing and Strategy.