Presentations & Workshops
Active Digital Learning – using digital tools tools to enhance and support physical literacy and PE in the primary classroom
Presented by: Ciara Reilly and John Meegan -
Curious tales of creativity and collaboration from a culchie in Charlottesville
Presented by: John Heffernan -
Is it a teddy, a mouse or or a snowman? Python turtle for Beginner teens or adult learners
Presented by: Jennifer Kelly -
Learning Through New Worlds – Minecraft
Presented by: Claudine McGowan, Paul Kennedy, Melanie Mulligan -
Learning to teach the new Senior Cycle Physical Education framework using the “Phyz” app
Presented by: Antonio Calderón and Deborah Tannehill -
Leaving Certificate Computer Science – an A-Z Guide for Phase 2 Schools
Presented by: Frank Kehoe and Tony McGennis -
The Digital Learning Framework and Leaving Cert CS with Bridge21: Theory and Practice
Presented by: Professor Brendan Tangney, Dr. Jake Rowan Byrne, Helen O'Kelly -
Using Digital Portfolios to support Formative Assessment
Presented by: Siobhan O'Sullivan & Sinead O'Sullivan -