Open Education for Good with Catherine Cronin

Join the CESI café on 23rd May at 8pm for a webinar exploring open education with Catherine Cronin

After our panel discussion for Open Education Week 2024, it became evident that there is a growing interest in open educational practices within the CESI executive and community. We are hoping that this is just the first of many more sessions focusing on open education, and who better than a long-standing member of our community, Catherine Cronin. We were joined for a very special CESI Café on Thursday, 23rd May. We were delighted to be joined by both old and new friends, and had attendance spanning from the United States to Ukraine.

Catherine’s slides are openly available and the recording is now available on our YouTube channel.

Black and white headshot of Catherine Cronin, a woman smiling with large glasses and her hair tied up

Presenter biography: Dr. Catherine Cronin is an independent scholar focusing on critical and social justice approaches in open, digital and higher education. She actively interweaves work in the higher education and community education sectors, most recently as a GO-GN Fellow and as digital/open education lead in Ireland’s National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in HE. Catherine has published widely and openly on topics including open educational practices, open education policy, critical and social justice approaches, and intersectional feminism – including, most recently, the book Higher Education for Good: Teaching and Learning Futures (#HE4Good). A born New Yorker who has made her home in Ireland, Catherine blogs and shares scholarship at

About the Author

Kate Molloy

Kate Molloy is an Instructional Designer at Atlantic Technological University. She is Chair of the Computers in Education Society of Ireland (CESI) National Executive.