2023: "50 Years and Growing"

The 2023 annual conference of the Computers in Education Society of Ireland will take place on Saturday 11th March. We’ll be celebrating our Golden Jubilee, all under the theme of “50 Years and Growing. The conference will take place in ATU Galway City.

CESI logo with green owl and full name with a purple balloon at the top right corner reading '50 Years and Growing'
After two years of meeting online, the CESI conference will once again give attendees the opportunity to connect and share their knowledge in person; while remembering our 50 year history, reflecting on the world of ICT we live in and looking to the future.

Registration, tickets,and accommodation information are now available. The draft schedule will be published shortly. Please note that the TeachMeet will take place on Saturday, 11th March within the conference programme.

The final timetable is now available

View the conference live stream:

Preview our pre-recorded sessions below: