Welcome to the Conference

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the 6th National Conference and the second to be held in the RTC Tallaght.


I welcome the Minister for Education Mrs Niamh Bhreathnach, who officially open the conference. The ministers presence and support for the conference gives great hope for information technology in education.


At a time of great interest in the promotion and development of Information and Communication Technology in education CESI conference adapts the title ‘IT across the Curriculum’ which reflects these interests.


The success of the annual conference is dependent on many interested bodies and to the following CESI are grateful;


Dr. Columb Collins and his staff have once again provided an excellent venue and all round support to CESI conference.


The presenters of the many IT topics are to be thanked for sharing their

knowledge and expertise in their respective areas of IT.


The Department of Education and the companies who support the conference and CESI throughout the year.


To the staff at the Dublin West Education Centre, who co-ordinated the

conference on behalf of CESI we are indebted to the assistance.


For the continued support of the members and guests of CESI who attend conference.


An event such as this would not be possible but for the professional planning of the conference co-ordinator, Mr Gerry Morgan and the committee. The success of the conference is a testimony to their dedication to CESI.


A sincere thanks to you all.


I hope your experience of the conference will enhance your knowledge of information and communi­cation technology.

        Eddie Guilmartin

Eddie Guilmartin






Diary of Events


Friday 15th of November

     6.30 - 7.00        Registration

       7.00 - 7.30        Mr. Eddie Guilmartin
                                Chairperson of CESI
                               Word of Welcome to RTC Tallaght
Dr. Columb Collins
                                Director RTC Tallaght

                               Opening Address

                                Mrs. Niamh Bhreathnach
                                Minister for Education
       7.30 - 8.30        Education and the Internet
                               Michael Hallissy
                               John Hurley

       8.30 - 9.30        Authoring Software / Multimedia

                               Larry McNutt




Saturday 16th of November 1996

     9.30  - 10.15     Presentations
     10.15   - 10.45     Coffee
     10.45   - 11.30     Presentation
     11.45   - 12.30     Presentation
     12.30    - 2.00     Lunch
       2.00    - 2.45     Presentation
       3.00    - 4.00     Presentation of recent developments

in IT in Education


4.00 - 4.30      Open Forum

        4.30                  Close






Presentation Programme


Friday 15th of November 1996

7.30 - 8.30

      Title                                          Speaker                         Room
Education and
     the Internet                        Mike Hallissy&John Hurley   


8.30 - 9.30

        Title                                  Speaker                         Room
Authoring Software!
Multimedia                         Larry McNutt                       001




Saturday 16th of November 1996


      Title                                          Speaker                       Room
History Sites on the Internet       Pat Callan                                 015

Special Education
Primary                             Marty Holland                         024

IT in Transition Year Secondary   Pat Seaver                    01


Career Guidance Software       John A Dunne S J            019



Saturday 16th of November 1996



             Title                                          Speaker                           Room
Business and IT Secondary    Dermot Reynolds            015


Science and IT

             Primary/Secondary                  Philip Matthews               024


           Shareware Primary                    Robert 0 Leary               017


Maths and IT:

Internet and other resources

             Primary/Secondary                  John Evans                     019






             Title                                          Speaker                         Room


Communicating with other

             schools using the Internet       Tomas 0 Briain               015
I CBT                       Niall Watts                       024


NEC Teachers

Computer Group

             Primary                                     Oliver Looney                 017
             Logo Primary                           Anthony Gubbins            019


12.30 - 2.00         Lunch I Commercial Exhibitions


2.00 - 2.45
Speaker                              Room
The Globe Project
          (Internet) Primary               Patrick Bates                      015

           Music and IT (Acorn)
          Primary                               Patrick Carroll                    017

           Special Education
          Secondary                          Marty Holland                     024

            Languages and IT
          Secondary                          Deirdre Hetherington         019

3.00 -  4.00

            Presentation of recent developments in IT in Education Room 001


Presenters:      Cyril Drury

Barry Murphy

Elizabeth Qldham


4.00 - 4.30                                      Open Forum                  Room 001

4.30   Close











Friday 15th at 7.30 - 8.30


Education and the Internet

Brief history of EdNet. Power of Email in Irish Schools. Locating Resources on the Web -

Research, Lesson Plans, Curriculum Resources, Software. Irish School Sites on the Web.

The Future - What lies ahead?


8.30 - 9.30


Authoring software I Multimedia

Practical demonstration of lesson development using authoring software.





Saturday 16th at 9.30 - 10.15


History Sites on the Internet Primary I Secondary

A consideration of the potential of the Internet for history teachers and students, with illus­trations from sites relevant to Irish teachers.


Special Education Primary

A look of some of the ways in which computers may be used to enhance and support learn­ing for pupils with learning difficulties.


IT in Transition Year Secondary

An examination of how computers may be used as a tool for cross curricular work as advo­cated by Transition Year.


Career Guidance Software Secondary

A brief description of Irish Guidance Software used in Second Level Schools, Youth

Information Offices, FAS Offices and so forth. The Presentation will touch on packages such

as Qualif ax, Jobscan, My Future, Gairm, among others.







Business and IT Secondary

Evaluation of developing Business Studies Teachers Association of Ireland web page/site with discussions of practical difficulties and processes. Also included in talk a demonstra­tion using demo pack called Visual Accounting.


Science and IT Primary / Secondary

An introduction to measuring/date gathering with a computer. The presentation is designed to be of interest to material school teachers, and for teachers of Junior Certificate Science. It will show how measurements of temperature, pressure, sound and light can be made using a computer. No technical knowledge is required to use the equipment.


Shareware Primary

Demonstration of the best educational shareware titles available for the P.C. for primary schools; Irish copyright free clipart for illustrating childrens’ writing. Demonstration of authored geography software.

Maths and IT: Internet and other resources Primary/Secondary Use of Internet and other computer resources in the teaching of Maths.



Saturday 16th at 11.45 - 12.30


Communicating with other schools using the Internet

The place of telecoms in the curriculum. Some examples of interschool communications.

Good and poor proposals for interschool communications. How to find proposals. Where to

post proposals.

Evaluating and discussion.

Authoring / CBT Software Demonstration

Presentation of AIMTECH range of authoring tools

ICON author, CBT express, Jamba.


NEC Teachers Computer Group Primary

The restoration and renovation of centre - funding Involvement of N.E.C. Ballivor, Exhibition of Computer projects April ‘96 - Installation of computers October ‘96 - Reports from teachers who hopefully will have used the centre with their classes by the time of the conference.


Logo Primary

A look at some of the tasks given to children in 5th. class to perform, having given them basic knowledge about the capabilities of the software. The method employed is to set them tasks where they will have to make some decisions for themselves to help them com­plete the given task.




Saturday 16th at 2.00 - 2.45


Globe Project (Internet) Primary

The Globe Project and Spice Islands voyage using the Internet and Authoring Programs in the Primary School as a basis for project work.


Music and IT (Acorn) - Primary

A look at two Music Programmes (Beetles and Notate) for the Acorn computers and their uses in Class


Special Education Secondary

A look of some of the ways in which computers may be used to enhance and support learn­ing for pupils with learning difficulties.


Languages and IT Secondary

Title of presentation: Computer aided Language Teaching and Language Learning with specific reference to Irish, French and German.

Assuming no previous experience of CALL by teachers attending, I will briefly demonstrate software programmes available commercially, followed by short discussion of authorware. Resources on the internet for language teachers and learners including shareware, e-pals, organisations, projects.

Integrating CALL into class work.








Patrick Bates                  is a Primary school teacher. Involved in pilot IT. Project for Primaryschools 1984 - 86. Articles in Primary Computing and INTO Publications re IT. Primary author of Information Technology in Irish schools. Involved delivery of IT. inservice courses. CESI. executive for years.


Pat Callan                        is Vice-Principal of Malahide Community School and a committee member of the Dublin branch of the History Teachers Association of Ireland. He has published and lectured on Irish history, and history teaching in Ireland. He lectures in St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, in the Education Department.


Patrick Carroll                  is a Primary school Principal, Scoil Mhuire, Portroe, Nenagh,

Co.Tipperary. Given courses on Acorn Computers. Diploma in

Computer Studies from Mary Immaculate Training College, Limerick.

Diploma in Remedial Education.


J.S. Dunne S.J.                is a graduate of U.C.D., UCC, UL, and Milltown Institute. Fr. Dunne has been a Guidance Counsellor since 1975. He “converted” to computers following a years course for teachers in U.L. He is the current President at the Institute of Guidance Counsellors and part of the team develop ing the 2nd. level courses suite of programmes QUALIFAX. He has represented the UCC in the E.U. and is currently a member of the E.U. Netform team working on “Guidance Software and the Internet”.


John Evans                        is a teacher of Mathematics at Mount Temple Comprehensive School; a member of the Mathematics Syllabus Committee (Senior Cycle) of the NCCA since 1989, and Chair since 1994; a member of the course devel opment team for Mathematics in the Leaving Certificate Applied 1995 -96; a member of the NAME Project development team and provider of technical support for that Project.


Anthony Gubbins               trained in St. Pats, Drumcondra. Taught for three years in St. Teresa’s Gardens in Dublin and then moved to Bruff in Co. Limerick in 1973. He uses computers in the class on a daily basis for Drawing, Word-pro cessing and Logo mostly.


Deirdre Hetherington     is a Senior Technician, Language Centre, Maynooth College. Responsible for technology within the centre; language laboratories, audio and video production, self-access language learning facility (incorporating audio, video, satellite and terrestrial television) and com puter aided language learning facility. Research areas; production of language learning courses particularly in Irish. All aspects of computer aided language learning, my present interest is the potential of produc ing CALL programmes in Irish. Member of EUROCALL. Former secre­tary of Education Media Association of Ireland.





CESI Officers and Committee 1995/6

Chairperson: Eddie Guilmartin
Vice-Chairperson: Elizabeth Oldham
Treasurer: Gerry Hogan

Paddy Bates

Sean Close

Cyril Drury

Michael Farry

Leo Frost

Mike Hallissy

Luke McAuliffe

Gerry Morgan

Marion Morrin

Tomas O’Briain

Tomas OGormain

Robbie O’Leary



Gerry Morgan (Co-ordinator)

Eddie Guilmartin

Luke McAuliffe

Marion Morrin

Sean Close

Gerry Hogan (Commercial stands)


Elizabeth Oldham

Gerry Hogan

Sean Close


Tomas O’Briain (Editor)

Sean Close

Eddie Guilmartin

Homepage: Tomas O’Briain

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